How to increase conversion rate of a B2B SaaS website? 10 Simple yet effective ways!

How to improve conversion rate of a B2B SaaS website? -

 min. read
September 13, 2023
Table of Contents

Generating a lot of traffic but zero conversion? 

Well, you are probably not alone. “How to increase conversion rate” is one of the most searched queries for product marketers and UX designers in the SaaS industry. 

In fact, according to Gartner research, 48% of all website visitors exit a landing page without engaging further with the website's content. 

A common reason behind generating more traffic from a well-crafted website is that it needs the critical elements of Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO). 

Having worked with several SaaS startups, I have first-hand experience boosting conversion rate optimization. That’s precisely why I am jotting down some of the easiest CRO strategies to increase website conversion rates for SaaS brands.

BTW, What is Conversion Rate Optimization exactly? 

For every user visiting your website, you definitely have some desired actions in mind. 

For example, you may want the users to: 

  • Request a demo 
  • Download a resource 
  • Opt for a Free Trial 

And the list goes on.. 

CRO is the process of increasing the number of users who will perform these actions on a website. 

Wondering how to improve conversion rate? Head to the next section. 

10 Conversion Rate Optimization Best Practices for B2B SaaS Brands 

Here are a few website conversion strategies to boost the conversion of your website:


Engaging Visitors with Interactive Product Demos

One of the most effective ways to increase your conversion rate is by offering interactive product demos. These demos can provide potential customers with a hands-on experience of your product, allowing them to understand its features, benefits, and usability in a highly engaging manner. 

By illustrating your product's value proposition through interactive demos, you can address the needs and preferences of your target audience more effectively, resulting in higher conversion rates.

Notice how Pump does this 👇

Pump interactive demo

Here’s a breakdown of Pump’s strategy: 

Pump has added an interactive demo CTA to its Features page. So whenever a website visitor explores the website and is willing to try out the product, they can click on this CTA that will directly take them to the below dashboard:

Pump interactive demo dashboard

This way, the users can get an essence of Pump’s product without signing up for the tool. You can easily create interactive product demo with tools like Rivia

Implementing Intent Pop-ups for Increased Engagement

Pop-ups are often viewed as annoying interruptions. However, when used correctly, they can serve as powerful tools to boost conversion rates. Intent pop-ups, when a visitor shows signs of leaving your website, can help you capture potential leads at the last minute. 

These pop-ups can present: 

  • Special offers 
  • Request email sign-ups 
  • Provide valuable downloadable content 

The idea is to encourage visitors to engage further with your site. Remember, the key to successful pop-up implementation is timing and relevance. 

Note how ActiveCampaign uses exit pop-ups 👇 

ActiveCampaign exit intent pop-up

The idea here is to show this pop-up to visitors when they are about to leave the website. Here ActiveCampaign asks them to download a free guide as a part of engagement. 

Building Trust with Testimonials and Social Proof

Trust is a critical factor in the conversion process. One of the most effective ways to build trust with your visitors is through testimonials and social proof. By showcasing positive reviews and testimonials from satisfied customers, you can establish credibility and reassure potential customers of the value of your product. 

Additionally, displaying logos of reputable brands that use your product can be powerful social proof, boosting your conversion rate. 

Notice how the AI tool Writesonic does this  👇 

Writesonic social proof

See how this brand has added social proofs like customer logos, badges, and ratings to its website. This is a great way to gain website visitors’ trust and keep them engaged for a long time. 

Leveraging the Power of A/B Testing

A/B testing is an indispensable tool for conversion rate optimization. It allows you to compare two versions of a webpage, a headline, a call to action (CTA), or an offer, to determine which version drives more conversions.

A/B testing

By continuously testing and refining different elements of your website and marketing campaigns, you can identify what resonates with your target audience and optimize your strategies accordingly. 

Offering a 'No Credit Card Required’ Free Trial

Free trials are a proven tactic for boosting conversion rates in the SaaS industry through Product-led Marketing. Your potential customers are no longer happy just learning about your products from your blogs and landing pages. 

They want a hands-on experience to understand if your product matches their requirements or if it will be a total waste of time! That’s precisely why SaaS brands allow potential customers to try out your product without any financial commitment. 

However, asking for credit card details can deter many people from signing up for a free trial. Consider offering a 'no credit card required' free trial to circumvent this. This can eliminate a significant barrier to conversion and increase your chances of turning trial users into paying customers.

Observe how popular QR Code generator Beaconstac does this 👇

Beaconstac Free Trial

Start a 14-day Free Trial with this brand by signing up with your name and email address. It doesn’t require any financial commitment from the potential users to try out this app. 

This no-string-attached approach can tempt customers to take action. 

Designing an Effective Sales Funnel

A well-designed sales funnel guides visitors through the buyer's journey and toward a conversion. This involves nurturing prospects with relevant content and targeted marketing strategies, gradually leading them toward a purchase decision. 

Automation can play a crucial role in this process, allowing you to deliver personalized messages at the right time, keep prospects engaged, and, ultimately, increase your conversion rate. 

Here is an example of an automated sales funnel 👇

Automated funnel

Note that this is not an ultimate sales funnel. It varies from user to user. However, having an automated sales funnel can help brands have greater visibility into their user journey and help them take necessary actions to increase website conversion. 

Showcasing a Clear and Consistent Value Proposition

Your value proposition is the unique value that your product offers to customers. It sets you apart from your competitors and motivates visitors to convert. Ensuring your value proposition is clear, compelling, and consistent across your website can significantly increase your conversion rate. 

It communicates your product's unique benefits to potential customers, making it easier for them to understand why they should choose it. 

We love the website copy of Trello. This brand interprets its value proposition in the best way possible through its website, see for yourself 👇

Trello messaging breakdown

Simplicity, clear messaging, and intent-based value proposition is the secret to Trello’s high conversion rate. 

Streamlining the Buying Experience

The easier visitors make a purchase on your website, the more likely they are to convert. Therefore, it's essential to streamline your buying process by making navigation intuitive, reducing page load times, and simplifying the payment process. 

Some of the best ways to streamline the buying experience include: 

  • Offering multiple payment options and currencies
  • Embedding interactive product demos on the checkout page for a glance of the product  
  • Listing different pricing plans and the benefits under each to simplify the decision-making process of the users 

Incorporating Competitor Comparison Landing Pages

Today's savvy customers often compare different products before making a purchase decision. By incorporating competitor comparison landing pages on your website, you can help customers make an informed decision without leaving your site. Highlight your product's unique features and benefits and how it stacks up against competitors to persuade visitors of its superior value.

Watch how Leadfeeder has written comparison pages like Leadfeeder vs ZoomInfo where this brand has highlighted all the advanced features that it offers that surpass Zoominfo. It has also added a detailed comparison table like this 👇

Competitor comparison

A table like this will help your customers understand what benefits they seek and if your product can offer the same. Hence, decision-making will become much more accessible and increase the landing page's conversion rate.

Identifying and Addressing Customer Objections

Potential customers often have reservations or objections that prevent them from converting. Identifying these objections and addressing them proactively can significantly increase your conversion rate. 

This might involve providing additional information, dispelling common misconceptions, or offering pricing, product quality, or security reassurances. The key is understanding and addressing your customers' concerns transparently and reassuringly. 

Here’s how you can do this: 

  • Make a list of all potential objections 
  • And address these objections through your website messaging 

For example, if a common objection from your potential customers is - “Your product is good but very expensive”, you can revise your post copy in such a way that it highlights the affordability factor, like this - “It is an easy to use and highly affordable product with a Free available plan”. 

Final Thoughts 

Increasing your conversion rate is an ongoing process that requires continuous testing, analysis, and optimization. However, implementing the strategies outlined in this guide can significantly improve your conversion rate and achieve your marketing and sales goals. 

Remember, the key to successful conversion rate optimization is understanding your customers' needs, delivering a compelling user experience, and constantly refining your strategies based on data-driven insights. 

As a next step, go over all these conversion rate optimization tips and practice them one by one to see which one works the best. 

Let’s start with interactive product demos, then. Book a demo with Rivia to get started ASAP! 

Happy optimizing!